Who more are you?

Often men have struggled with their sexuality for so long that it makes sense that the other parts of the identity received less attention. A coach can help you live your own desires more.

Is this you?

You feel empty, get little satisfaction from your work. From the outside it may seem that you have everything well organized, yet a restlessness continues to rage through your body. Or maybe you’re just drifting through life on autopilot… All signs that you’re not living life to the fullest.

From your perspective, we look at what it takes to become who you are. Sexuality is such a primary and great desire: If you have been able to suppress that so well, how do you feel contact with your other desires and wishes in your life?

Which step do you want to take?

During the coaching we will work on the question which steps have led you to where you are now. What is the next step to take?

Knowing where you want to go and getting there starts with understanding who you are and what you want. A coach can move you or make you stand still. A coach can offer you a different perspective. And moreover: together you know more than alone.